Monday 22 July 2013

Peel Region is a regional municipality in Southern Ontario, Canada. It includes the 3 municipalities: the cities of Brampton and Mississauga, and the town of Caledon.

From 2006 to 2011, the population of Peel increased by 11.8% to 1,296,814 people. Peel Region, 2011.
  • More than 34,000 new residents move to Peel annually
  • Brampton and Mississauga are among the top 10 municipalities in Canada that experienced the largest percentage population growth in recent immigrants between 2001 and 2006
  • Peel’s rate of newborns is the highest in Ontario. In 2007, 16 340 babies were born.
  • Peel’s senior population ( 65+ years of age) is increasing almost three times the rate of Ontario and Canada’s senior population. By 2018, Peel’s senior population will top 200,000
  • By 2031 Peel’s population is predicted to reach 1.64 million.

Statistics for Peel Region ( 2011)

Non-immigrants                             625,390
Immigrants                                       650,530  
Immigrants from 2001 to 2011    221,045
Immigrants from 2001 to 2005    120,130
Immigrants from 2006 to 2011    100,910

Age at immigration
Under 5 years                   55,660   
5 to 14 years                      111,625 
15 to 24 years                   155,985 
25 to 44 years                   257,755 
45 years and over            69,500

Immigrant status and selected places of birth
Americas                          107,875
Europe                             141,265
Africa                                 36,190
Asia                                    363,660
Oceania and other          1,535

Growth brings challenges
  • 171,030 Peel’s residents, about 15% of Peel’s population, reported a disability.
  • Peel’s Children’s Aid receives one of the lowest levels of per-capita child welfare funding in the province, about one-third of the provincial average.
  • Youth violence is on the rise in Peel.
  • In 2009, peel regional Police responded to 13,319 domestic disturbances compared to 9,600 disturbances in 2005, an almost 40% increase.

Poverty is one of those challenges
  • 33% of Peel’s recent immigrants live in poverty

Statistics Canada. 2013. Peel, RM, Ontario (Code 3521) (table). National Household Survey (NHS) Profile. 2011 National Household Survey. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 99-004-XWE. Ottawa. Released June 26, 2013.
(accessed July 16, 2013).

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